Superficial fungal

Superficial fungalSuperficial fungal
  1. Analysis of 453 Cases with Cutaneous Superficial Fungal Diseases in Children


  2. Conclusion This method for DNA extraction could be useful to apply PCR assay in diagnosis of superficial fungal infection .


  3. Objective To profile the type and pathogen of superficial fungal infections at rural areas of Jiangxi province in China .


  4. Direct Detection of Pathogenic Fungi in Superficial Fungal Infections Based on Polymerase Chain Reaction Mycosis of the tonsil


  5. Treatment of onychomycosis and other superficial fungal infections by amorolfine


  6. Conclusion Using PTK to treat superficial fungal corneal ulcer could short cure time , make patients achieve better vision and has less complications .


  7. CONCLUSION Synthesis of target compounds ⅲ derivatives exhibited activity against deep fungal to some extent , but their activities against superficial fungal should do further study .


  8. In the treatment of superficial fungal infections with itraconazole , pulse therapy could shorten the duration of treatment , and reduce the risk of adverse events .


  9. Objective We develop a method for extracting DNA of pathogenic fungi from dermal specimens directly , in order to apply PCR assay in diagnosis of superficial fungal infection .


  10. Glucocorticoid treatment does not improve the final outcome of newborn with MAS , also does not increase incidence of glucocorticoid-related sepsis , oral thrush , other superficial fungal infection and meningitis .


  11. Conclusions PCR assay has good specificity and accuracy , while fungal culture takes 2 weeks to get the results . PCR is helpful for making rapid clinical diagnosis , which leads to the appropriate treatment of superficial fungal infection .


  12. Background Tinea versicolor ( Pityriasis versicolor , PV ) is a mild , chronic common superficial fungal infection of the skin caused by Malassezia furfur , a dimorphic saprophytic yeast that may be cultured from normal appearing skin in some of the normal population .


  13. By counting the amount of microbes inoculation of superficial fungus and MIC determination , 10 kinds of herbs distributed in China were observed for their bacteriostatic actions on 8 kinds of common superficial fungal infections .
